Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fridge Soup

I just started on a new comic strip, inspired by the great stuff I've seen on ComicSpace, and the recent re-readings of my Love and Rockets collection. I've even started going back into Page 45, and I'm pleased to have overcome that weird fear!

I'm still trying to work out whether to go for old style pen and ink, or to go for redrawing my pencils in Flash. I've done a bit of both over the past few days, and I'm still stuck. I think it's obvious that I'll be doing both for a while, so I'm not so concerned about making a definite decision. Add to that the fact that I'm not doing this for any other reason but my own amusement, and the pressure of that decision all but disappears. Me and Steve and Chris talked late last year about creating a comic, and spent some time trying to construct a 'world' or overarching scenario that our stories would fit in to. However, as Steve's Horror career has suddenly become really hectic, we've not had the time to bring it all together, so I'm going to plough ahead, and invite Steve and Chris to join in wherever they like, once I've begun to get a sense of what it is I'm doing.

I'm relieved that we didn't 'set' the world ultimately, as I think it was a really self conscious way to go about it, and would have restricted our freedom. I think it'll be better to have the opportunity to grow the strip organically.

Here's a picture of some initial doodling...

I said I'd post some webcomics I've enjoyed, so here's some links;

Shrouded - The first issue of this is great, a bit Ginger Snaps, a bit American Werewolf, and even a bit Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Issue 2 promised soon.

Geek Blather - This comic is written collaboratively using a Role Play process through Live Journal. Very Web 2.0! I'm wondering if that's the way that me, Steve and Chris might develop our own comic.

Eekeemoo - Really nice sketchy strip. Monsters, little eskimo characters, what more do you want?

Thumpculture - Fight Club meets Street Fighter, in a sort of fantasy Soap romance thing.

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