Friday, August 18, 2006

Today in Second Life...

Hooray! We are finally working with the characters to create Episode 1! Ricard has bought Comic Life, which adds speech bubbles to video and images.

I'm not sure how it'll work, as I think comic art is a personal thing - ie, You can tell an artist or writer by the style of the bubbles, lettering etc., it's as much a part of the creation and aesthetic as everything else.

So to have clip-art style bubbles and lettering seems to de-personalise it. But maybe not, we're playing with it now and we'll see how it goes.

We've achieved really nice capture from second life, which produced a really strong image with good colours - we hoped for High-definition capture originally, but couldn't get it, but I think it'll be ok as DV.

I took these screen grabs today, trying to look at how we might grade the final footage - i think the sepia with a bit of blur might work - makes it look less like a computer game, and more like something Smallfilms might have made with some ping-pong balls and a bit of felt!

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