Monday, August 21, 2006

Second Life on Channel 4

A couple of weeks ago, Channel 4 showed a series on short films about Second Life and the people who live there(?). Check them out here... If you haven't been into Second Life before, it's quite a good introduction to the whole thing - with links to good places to visit. If you join Second Life, let me know, and I'll give you a tour of the set of Ricard's film.

I've read a lot of articles about Second Life lately, and I'm still unsure as to how good it is. Actually, it obviously is good, maybe I've just got a problem with the amount of time people seem to spend in there, aimlessly swapping dance animations and virtual hair. I know that's not representative of the whole space or community, but there is a load of that. It's summer - get out and play! (Yikes, I have finally become my parents)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gareth - can you mail me so i can get your new address....i thought you may find this interesting (below) - hope youre well :)- see you soon - Jez Noond
Hey did you get my previous email?



Sent: 21 May 2006 15:00
Subject: [WDL] Second Life

Hello friends and colleagues,

Apologies for cross-listing, but I wanted to reach a wide audience. I am currently doing research on Second Life and am about to begin working on a proposal for the IRB. I need to compile a bibliography for the proposal. Any sources that you can direct me to is greatly appreciated. My particular topic is narrative and I have the usual Web sources (blogs,online newspapers, and such). I am mainly interested in published articles or book chapters on SL.

If you have anything in mind, please e-mail me off-list at


Burcu S. Bakioglu

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

--Douglas Adams

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