Monday, January 22, 2007


I just joined, a MySpace for comic makers, drawers, fans etc, which I read about on Drawn. It's great, and also a wee bit humbling when you see all these fantastic artists out there. I've never joined a kind of 'open' networking site before, especially one that has 'Befriendification' (as comicspace calls it), as it's always seemed a bit - well pointless i guess - and a bit wrong for a 36 year old! But I'm really interested in the way webcomics have grown, and the idea that a non-print comic can have a global audience, it's kind of perfect Web 2.0, so I joined, cos i figured that it makes sense to join a network like this, one where you're sharing work, rather than just hanging out, and it's exciting because it feels like being involved in a Zine culture, which I always imagine the web should be - ie free, homebrew, social.

I've been getting back into the comic subculture, which I've missed. I used to make a comic called Eek!, a small press thing that I used to pay for with my housing benefit cheques just after leaving University. It was a great thing to do, and linked me in with a whole network of really nice people who were really into making, reading and sharing underground leftfield comics. After a while though, I couldn't sustain it, writing 36 pages bi-monthly and dodging the landlord on my way to the copy-shop. And when I stopped, I felt a bit embarrassed, for no good reason really, and didn't enter Page 45 (our local comic shop) for about 10 years, thus missing out on so much good stuff.

I guess getting back into comics has partly come from Steve, who buys comics like I drink coffee (many and often), and his links to sites like scans daily, which puts up obscure strips from yesteryear, and from reading Drawn. I realised that the web is a perfect structure for comics - for instance the chronological nature of a blog allows the release of a comic in small, episodic chunks, whether that be your 12 part graphic novel or daily (syndicated!) 3 panel strip.

I'm going to add a webcomic links bar down the side, so I can show off what I've found, and if you find any gems, please let me know! - by the way, my comicspace page is

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