Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back to the Daft

stupid fat guy in mask

When Nicola and Stu left, they had a party. The theme was Black and White. Here's my costume, fashioned from some flipchart paper, marker pen and Oatibix box.

Looking at it now, I think it was a wee bit sinister.

It's the opening of the MA exposition on Friday...

100+ MA Exposition 06

Nottingham Trent University is pleased to announce the opening of 100+, the 2006 Exposition of Masters work in the School of Art and Design.

We have a comprehensive range of one-year, modular MA courses, offering a unique structure for postgraduate art and design study in the UK.

Exposition opening times:

Saturday 25 November: 1pm-5pm
Monday 27 November to Friday 1 December: 11am-4pm
The venues for this inspirational collection of work are the newly refurbished Bonington building and the Victoria studios, both of which are located in close proximity on the Nottingham Trent University City campus.

Update :
Just heard on the news that Robert Altman has died. I know he had a good innings and that, but it's very sad. Short Cuts has to be one of my favourite films, but I also love Popeye, which is darker and more subversive than you imagine. He made a really amazing tv series, Tanner 88, about a republican candidate on the campaign trail. Brilliant. I think Bob Roberts may be based on it...


Anonymous said...

Nice costume.

Anonymous said...

For me, "Nashville" was my finest achievement. (see Haunted Me.on Digitalme)